Enlightenment, one post at a time...

Enlightenment, one post at a time...

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Ding Ding Dong

Hong Kong has amazing food. I just re-found an Indian spot that Marie, Bill and I ate at 2 years ago. It was just as incredible this time around. I'm going to miss different ethnic foods when I enter the mainland.

Cecelia and I went to the beach today. We did this, mind you, under a T1 typhoon warning. "What is a T1 typhoon warning" you ask? Damned if I know. It has the words "typhoon" and "warning" in it (in fact these are the only two words in it), and this is all I really need to know. Regardless, we went to Shek O beach and got ourselves sunburned (through overcast skies).

On our way back, we decided to ride the tram, known to locals as the "ding ding." It didn't occur to me how foolish one sounds asking "where can I find the ding ding" until I was in the process of asking. I had an awkward moment as the MTR attendant asked me to repeat my question, which I was none to thrilled to do. We eventually found the "ding ding" and had a nice double decker ride through HK island. Nice and relaxed.

Overall it was a pretty solid day. Tomorrow we're probably going to take a tram up to Victoria Peak, assuming that we're not struck by typhoon Lionrock.

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